Being Persistent Without Being Pushy in Your Sales

The person is showing the sales strategies on how to be persistent in business without pushy sales


Hey Christian Coaches,

Ever wondered how to be persistent in your sales calls without coming off as pushy?

I want to dive into a fantastic question from Christina Greenfield in our Christian Coaches Community about mastering persistence without coming across as pushy. It's a crucial skill that can elevate your sales calls.

Let's tackle this from four different angles:

  1. When Prospecting: 
  • Start with a text: Remember prospecting is an invitation… You can simply send a friendly introduction and explain why you'd like to connect with this person. 
  • Second follow-up: If no response, a courteous follow-up is in order, ensuring they saw your first message.
  • Creativity in the third attempt: Add a touch of humor with a funny GIF to break the pattern and grab attention.
  • The understanding fourth attempt: Acknowledge that they must be really busy, validate non-response, and suggest you will follow-up in six months. 


  1. When showing up in your Sales Calls:
  • Use curiosity: When objections arise during a sales call, pivot with curiosity. Seek to understand rather than bombard with rehearsed responses. Understand their concerns to guide them to the best decision.


  1. When Following-Up:
  • Always book the next call: Never end a call without yes, no, or the next call booked, even if it's for a follow-up in the future. This avoids the pushy follow up dilemma and keeps the conversation open.


  1. When doing your marketing:
  • Consistent nurturing: Nurture your audience consistently. Value, value, value—then assertive asks won't seem out of place. Build trust through unwavering consistency.



→ Ask questions: If you want more answers to your sales questions, join us in our free F2I's Sales Training for Christian Coaches Facebook Group. Feel free to ask any questions, and let's continue this journey together!


Stay persistent, stay faithful, and let's grow together!




