The Power Of Your Stories (Shifting Your Sales and Money Mindset)

image of a person's head with a dollar sign, representing the power of your stories

Let's talk about Sales and Money Mindset.

Ever heard about the monkeys and the ladder experiment? ๐Ÿ’

Five monkeys were placed in a room with a ladder and bananas at the top. Each time a monkey tried to climb the ladder to reach the bananas, they were sprayed with cold water. Eventually, all the monkeys stopped trying. When a new monkey was introduced, it tried to climb the ladder, but the others pulled it down, having already experienced the cold water themselves.

The new monkeys, even though they never faced the cold water, wouldn’t try to climb the ladder, either. This showed how stories and beliefs can be passed down, limiting our actions and possibilities.

So, what’s the takeaway for us?

  1. Question Your Stories: Many of our beliefs about what’s safe or possible were inherited from others. Reflect on the stories you’ve accepted as truths in your life and business. Are they really yours, or are they stories that have been handed down to you?

  2.  Learn to Rewrite Your Stories: Challenge the old stories that may be holding you back. For instance, if you’ve been told that “sales is pushy” or that “money is bad”, recognize that these are not your only options. Shift your mindset with new stories:

    1. ๐Ÿ’กMoney is a Tool: Money can be used for good—supporting your family, giving generously, and making a positive impact in the world.

    2. ๐Ÿ’กSales is Service: Sales, when done right, is about serving others and creating win-win situations.

  3.  Empower Yourself: The stories we tell ourselves can either limit or empower us. Choose empowering stories that align with your values and vision.

    Thank you for taking the time today to reflect on these powerful insights. Remember that while the truths we receive from God and Jesus are everlasting, many stories from others can limit us without reason.

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