Time Management Strategies For New Coaches

work/life balance

Today, I'm diving into a topic close to my heart, something I wish I'd known when I was starting out: managing your time effectively to avoid burnout.

Here's a truth many of us learn the hard way: As new coaches, it's easy to get caught up in tasks that, while they might seem urgent, don't really move the needle in our businesses.

It's not that we lack good intentions. Far from it. We're often caught in a cycle of doing, always busy but not always productive activities. 

The real challenge? Not prioritizing the work that's crucial for laying a solid foundation for a thriving coaching business.

For us as business owners, especially in the Christian coaching space, our first duty is to remain in business. To do that, we need to ensure our businesses are not just surviving, but thriving.

And thriving businesses are PROFITABLE...

Which means we need REVENUE...

And revenue comes from MAKING SALES.

That's why sales activities are, without a doubt, the most crucial tasks in our coaching businesses.

So, let's explore some wisdom I've gathered over the years—wisdom I now pass on to you.

 Here are 5 powerful time management strategies - The new coach guide: 

1. Evaluate Your Time Allocation:

Take a moment to review your past weeks. List down everything you've been working on and categorize them into sales, service, or other activities. This exercise can provide valuable insights into where your time is actually going.

2. Focus on Sales Activities:

Understand that sales-focused tasks are the lifeline of your coaching business. These are activities directly leading to one-on-one sales calls or inviting potential clients to your programs.

Consider categorizing your tasks into sales, service, and everything else. Aim for a significant portion of your time to be dedicated to sales, especially as a new coach.

3. Short Game vs. Long Game Activities:

Distinguish between actions that will bring immediate sales (short game) and those that build the foundation for future growth (long game). Prioritize short-game activities to ensure a steady flow of clients and revenue.

  • Implement Short Game Strategies Daily:
    Make it a daily habit to engage in short game activities. For example, set a goal to text a specific number of potential clients or network contacts every day to keep your sales pipeline active.

  • Balance with Long Game Strategies:
    While focusing on the short game, don't neglect long-term strategies like content creation or networking that can pay dividends in the future. Allocate a portion of your time to these activities without letting them overshadow your immediate sales efforts.

4. Schedule and Track Your Activities:

Use your calendar effectively by scheduling time for prospecting, client calls, and other key tasks. Tracking your activities can help ensure you're spending your time on what truly matters for your business' growth.

5. Embrace the Process:

It's natural to feel apprehensive about sales activities but remember, every successful coach started somewhere. Embrace the process, learn from each interaction, and continuously refine your approach.

As we wrap up, I encourage you to reflect on your current time management strategies. Are you prioritizing the activities that will truly make a difference in your coaching business? Remember, every step you take is a part of your journey to becoming a successful and impactful coach.